I have an Intel i7-860 @ 2.8 GHz. I ordered a Nvidia 650 Ti BOOST ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814125457&nm_mc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel&cm_mmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel-_-Content-_-text-_- ) to replace my old Radeon 4600 HD. This is my first time upgrading anything on a PC and I'm worried my gpu will not perform at its best with my "old" cpu. any advice?
Not sure if this matters but heres a list of games i play:
WoW, LoL, Smite, Diablo, BF3 and some RPGs like Witcher 2.
Not sure if this matters but heres a list of games i play:
WoW, LoL, Smite, Diablo, BF3 and some RPGs like Witcher 2.