Is My CPU Socket Burnt?


Oct 13, 2014
I believe that the things in the middle of the socket are burnt. THey have a reddish coloring that I haven't noticed or seen before. I don't believe it's like that. My CPU fan also gets extremely loud when it boots up Windows. It shut down automatically after 5 minutes of usage. During the second try, the BSOD appeared. My motherboard just came back from being repaired at ASUS. Is it burnt, or am I just seeing things? Also, is there anyway I can stop the CPU from overheating at Windows startup?

Update: How do I upload pictures to a thread? I placed a link to my Google+ because that's where I uploaded them. Pic1-


Your CPU temperature is another problem, but that really looks like excess solder flux on those capacitors - it would take a lot of heat to burn a ceramic surface-mount cap to that degree, so much so that the rest of the board would obviously be severely damaged. I'd have to agree with Matt, that the board was reflowed or repaired to some extent rather than just being replaced outright. That's my best guess.

You used some sort of thermal compound I'm hoping - how much? What type of CPU/cooler? Something isn't right with your cooling system if it's overheating immediately at startup, and I wouldn't keep power-cycling it while it's overheating or you might damage something further.
Thermal paste was applied. I'll clean it and reapply it I guess. Do you think it's safe to test it again, or should I just wait? I haven't turned it on since I took the CPU put. Also what does reflowed mean?