Is my current system good enough for Farcry 4?


Nov 23, 2014
Right now I'm running and AMD HD 6100 Six-core at 3.3 with a Radeon HD 7850 OC with 2GB VRAM and 16GB RAM. I want to know if I can run Farcry 4 well enough. I'm certain I meet the minimums, but I would rather not spend the 70 bucks if the game is going to look like ass on my rig. Ultra is always nice, but my hardware's a little old for that;high-ish would be a good sign.

I realize it might be time to do my GPU again, but I really don't want to have to buy a new rig right now

Thanks all for your input
I might be able to live with medium-high, certainly worked before my last upgrade...I'm not really a wall-licker per se and I must admit, most of the games I'm running now have been heavily modded with texture packs and lighting and ENB's I may be artificially tanking my performance.

Any other feedback?