Is my First build going to be as good as expected?


Jan 3, 2014
How well is my first pc going to run games like Battlefield 4, Crysis3, Metro:Last Light, Bioshock Inifinite in 1080p

I saw a video and a guy got 20 fps in bf4 with a similar build.

Motherboard:ASRock 970 Extreme3

Memory:8GB Crucial Ballistix Sport RAM

Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5 7200RPM

Power supply: Rosewill Green 530w 80 plus CERTIFIED ATX12V/EPS12V

Optical drive: Lite-On iHAS 124-04

CPU: AMD FX 6300

Video Card: EVGA Nvidia 2gb GeForce GTX 760
seems good, i would highly recommend a 770 if you can afford one, it will give you a very nice performance boost over the 760, ive just bought a second 770. adding another one int he future will make your rig quite future proof

If i keep the 760 could i get 60 or better Fps in the games i asked, and in what Settings?

it depends what settings you are looking at. from experience my single 770 4gb and i5 3570 k would hit 50 - 60 in battlefield 4 ultra. bioshock i've never played but that's the easiest to run by far, metro and crysis are going to be unplayable on anything other than low. crysis 3 on my two 770's averages around 40 fps on high and around 50 fps on low. very high is almost unplayable.

Would this be better for the price/performance?
not sure about the graphics card but it should play metro and maybe crysis. the thing to be careful about is that guy in the video says metro will be "playable" on high, that means nothing as some people consider 25 fps playable. however if you play about with some settings (lighting, shadows) you can combine high and medium settings and acieve a nice steady 50 + fps. in my honest oppinion

So do you have something to recomend? Changing the card in the one i have or even a completely new build? (Not out of the budget 600-700 dollars)
that is the one major change i would make, nothing is as important as your gpu, investing a little more in a 770 would make the world of difference, even if it means cutting back to a 500gb hard drive or even 4gb of ram, things that can easily be upgraded when you have a little bit more cash. the psu etc seem fine and you're cpu should be good enough for the near future, however 60 fps is a very expensive goal, especially on the ultra eye candy games you want to play on

I tried to change the Hard Drive and the Ram (Optical drive is already c heap) but it still gets out of my budget. I have a really strict budget. Ok then lets get Metro: Last light and Crysis out of this.

To get 50+ in Bf4 and Bioshock infinite? 1080p maybe 45 to 60 fps?
bioshock no problem, max all settings you'll still have above 60 fps,battlefield, you will see lag on the 64 player servers, maybe 40 - 60 fps, depending on the map, would recommend high settings which still look pretty amazing. with crysis you can have 4 £1000 cards and still struggle lol

With my original build?

yes, it will be 100% playable but may require a bit of tweaking to get the best fps and graphics combo. a simple google search will tell you what settings to play about with. hope this helps, best answer would be totally appreciated 😛

Well then im staying with the original build, thanks a lot!

goodluck and happy gaming ! 😀