Question is My Frametime normal?


Aug 10, 2019
I have been playing quiet a lot of games lately on my newly built pc. I have noticed that in some games my frame time graph can go absolutely crazy. in a game called Viscera Cleanup Detail at a certain point the frame time COMPLETELY freaks out but there is absolutely zero effect. the fps is stable, there are no visible spikes and there is no input latency. TBH if I didn't have a frame time GRAPH on I definitely wouldn't have noticed anything. in some other more demanding games like the outer worlds the frame time can fluctuate but other then some spikes here and there which I guess are inevitable because of loading or some other stuff but other than that I don't notice anything, but the graph does seem to fluctuate. and if I just leave the frame time in text mode and not graph mode I can see that it goes from 18-22.5-2-5-16. I wanted to ask if what I'm having is normal?!
I have XMP Enabled and there doesn't seem to be a difference if it's disabled so would rather keep it on.
My Specs are: MSI RTX 2060 Gaming Z, i7 10700k, 32 GB 3600 RAM, 1080P, My BIOS version (if this even matters) is the first version for this BIOS because this is a new motherboard.