Is my FX-8350/R9 290 performing like it should be?


Jun 13, 2013
I just built this rig, and a, so far unsure of its performance. I should be competing with 780 benchmarks, but a few of them, I have questionable performance. My main concern is Battlefield 4, as that is the game I built this rig for:

Unigine Valley: 53fps avg
Battlefield 4 1st mission: DX11 50-90fps Mantle: 65-95fps
Battlefield 4 MP: Ultra preset DX11: 40-65fps Mantle: 55-90fps
Borderlands 2 : Max settings, low physx 53-90fps
Crysis 2: Ultra settings 70-100fps in low action, to 39-60fps in high action
CS:GO (yes I know): Max Settings 8xmsaa 160-250fps full MP match
Dead Island 1: max settings 160-230fps
Far Cry 2: Max settings 70-110fps, with dips to 50's
Far Cry 3: Ultra 4xmsaa 45-63fps
Hitman Absolution: Benchmark: 48fps Gameplay: Ultra 8xMSAA 49-75fps
Metro 2033: Max Settings low physx 65-90fps average
Metro Last Light: Very High settings, 2x Supersampling, 49-66fps
Sleeping dogs: Extreme preset 48-52fps avg

some of these are 2-5 fps lower than they should be, because I use a 39" tv and another 20" monitor as secondary monitors. That, I expect, but I am highly disturbed by my BF4 MP performance without mantle, where I can hardly keep above 65fps in most maps.

I have clean install of driver 14.2 beta,
CPU chipset is up to date, Bios are newish
CPU never above 52C, 60-80% usage ingame
GPU never above 73C, 90%-100% usage ingame
CPU and GPU clocks never drop as well

I can't find a problem with my parts, so what is going on? Any other questions, my specs are in my signature.
Thank you!
Your BF4 MP directX performance is due to the limitations of the FX8350 - mantle removes the CPU bottleneck allowing the GPU to max out - multiplayers like BF4 and MMOs are very cpu bound

Hmm... I've met people with like crossfired 290x's with their 8350 only at like 4.3ghz. Same with someone with their 8350 at 4.3ghz, and a 780ti running like 100fps. I tried OCing my CPU to 4.3, but it gave me like 3 more fps. Do you have any experienbce handling FX series in high end PC's? I get great FPS in most MP games though. Red Orchestra, I'm never below the 60fps cap. Am I just struggling in CPU intensive games, because I really only have troubles in BF3/BF4/Arma 2. Crysis 2 as well, which I don't think is THAT CPU intensive, its gpu instensive isn't it?.

Also, as I pointed out, My CPU never runs past like 70-80% in games. If it needed more CPU usage, wouldn't it pull more?

Crysis 2 uses 3 cores.

Arma 2 is shit optimized takes much cpu power to get anything even close to smooth fps even worse I believe it uses only 2 cores.

In gpu bound games going cf on a 8350 they might loose 5-10fps and a bit of smoothness sure, but in cpu bound games they pay a very high price.

You need to seriously overclock that cpu especially when the games only use 2-4 and they are weak and stock clocked cores.


You think my CPU is the cause of low fps? like I said, I've met people with their's OC'd to 4.3ghz, and I've tried this myself, and the difference is negligible. I really don't think watercooling and a 4.8ghz OC should be necessary...
I'm having the same problem. I also have the radeon 290 which finally works after 14.2 (after 3 months of black screen freezes). I have a FX9590 4.7 mhz cpu. I get around 30fps on farcry 3. Bf4 mp runs on max settings at 60+fps

Everyone crys "Processor is too weak"... My processor shouldn't bottleneck, and yours DEFINATELY shouldn't. What 290 do you have, and what OS do you have? Did you use DDU to clean install the graphics drivers?

I'm on 14.3, and yeah, 14.2 really saved my BF4 performance. I'm mostly 60-90 on BF4 now with mantle.
I never had black screens, but yes, I too am bothered by my PC's low performance. Were literally being beat in game performance by i5's and 770's... That's just sad, a $330 GPU can beat ours due to software support and bugs...

You have bad fps in any other games? I know I beat Titan performance in Hitman Absolution, and I get pretty close to what I should be in Unigine Valley. My friend has the same issues as me and you in terms of FPS.

There HAS to be a settings, or driver, or something wrong here. I see SO many 290 owners just cruising past my
gaming performance.

I have Crysis3 and Bioshock infinity and max payne 3 running at max settings at 60+fps.

Planetside 2 seems to perform poorly for equally obscure reasons.

I reinstalled my drivers many times.. before the 14.2 drivers my gpu would not funtion at all except sometimes... in a seemingly random fashion.. Yet for a while it seemed that it would work for a day immediately after reinstalling the drivers. I was on the verge of mailing it in for RMA when it didn't work even after a reinstall.

Then after 14.2 it works all of a sudden.

I have the XFX r9 290. I am running windows 7 64bit

Does it have any stock Overlclock/Aftermarket cooler? or are you reference.
You max out Crysis 3??? Holy shit, that 9590 must be fast.

I know my friend had a black screen issue like you, he too is on Windows 7 64bit (I'm on 8.1)
Turns out, He had to update his Bios, they were too old for the card, or had a bug in them. He also had to update his chipset Bios to the latest. That shouldn't be an issue though, as it sounds like your Bios must work fine already (since you're able to run a 9590 in it) and I'm sure you've already tried updating EVERYHTING. Very odd. I know I'm so frustarted with updating every Driver, and I still get the same weird performance.

If 14.2 works for you now, stay there. I get a bit better FPS in BF4 with 14.3, but lower fps in pretty much every other game I own.

REALLY fast in some games, to low end performance in others... It's like, "Do you want to be a Titan or a 660 today"...

How do you love the 9590? I went with an 8350 since I wasn't sure if it was worth the extra (I got my 8350 for like $160 on Newegg's sale xD)

I have an Sapphire 290 Tri-X 1000/1300 stock, and my Friend has a Powercolor 290 PCS+ 1040/1340 stock. We get basically the same performance. (Both got 8350's)

If you have a reference 290, watch those clocks... I know people had issues for months on the card dropping its clock after a certain temperature. My 290 only reaches like 71C, so its never an issue for me.