Question Is my GPU broken or is there a possible other problem in my pc?

Jul 2, 2019
Hi, So I'll try to keep it initially short.

I started playing The Witcher 3 for about 30hrs with no problem at all. Now every time I try to play it crashes back to desktop. I have been noticing that other games are crashing now as well but I am not certain if this is related to the Witcher. I have tried every possible fix findable on the internet and nothing worked, except turning my fan speed to 100%. However this does not explain why I 1: could run it on high settings with good fps and no crashes at first, without changing my fan speed 2: why I need to change the fan speed now and even then it is only stable on low settings. Is there a way to find out if my gpu isnt working correctly, maybe a program that detects errors or do I need to bring this to a shop? I tried a benchmark program and with that my gpu had no trouble, altough it was very short time. Seems with fan speed on 100% and playing the witcher on low 30fps my GPU gets about 50 degrees celsius. On medium/high it goes fast to about 62 before it crashed (tried twice now). I have tested 2 other games that worked fine before (World of Warhips and DOOM 2016) and they both have crashed on me twice now too. I have crash reports from the Witcher if needed, but they are huge and I dont understand this website yet...

My setup is:
Intel i7 4790K @ 4.00 GHz
16GB RAM Dual-channel DDR3 @ 800MHz
MB, MSI Z97-G45 Gaming

I hope someone could help me out, thanks!
(sorry, it wasn't short..)

EDIT: (A sentence) + Yeah Skyrim crashes almost instantly too now...
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What's the make and model of your PSU ? Have you tried doing a FRESH format and re-install of the OS ? Also, do a CLEAN re-install of the GPU drivers as well, if need be. Any error message, when the crash occurs ?

Also, check the airflow inside your ATX cabinet. Are you using Windows 10 OS ?
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PSU is an Corsair RM 850.
My pc just came back from the shop 2 weeks ago and got a fresh install of win10. Everything is clean all the way and drivers were cleanly uninstalled using DDU and then reinstalled the newest drivers ( the same as were on it already).

Crash reason: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (3221225477), Error reading location 0xde6415ac

That is the first line of the crash report for The Witcher 3 and it is always the same. The file itselfs is pretty big, I don't know if you need something specific form it?
There is no harm in trying. Remove one stick, and then check the system. Do the same for the other stick as well.
So I found this in the event log:
Foutbucket LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_nvlddmkm.sys_Kepler_3D, type 0

Internet says it has to do with faulty nvidia drivers. I have done the clean uninstall via DDU in safe mode again, with a clean reinstall of the new drivers without Experience. No change, still crases and the same log message..
Several things come to mind.

  1. CPU might be overheating, check CPU temps while gaming
  2. GPU may be overheating, check GPU temps while gaming
  3. CPU might be unstable due to undervolting (if you performed any)
  4. GPU might be faulty
Thanks for your reply!

  1. I will check the CPU Temp tonight when im home again, but I think it was oke from what I remember.
  2. I have run DOOM, Skyrim, WoWS for years with no problem, I thought so too but I think it is very strange. When I play The Witcher 3 now on Medium and fan speed 80% it will go up to about 58 celsius. That is IF the game runs long enough for the GPU to reach that Temp.
  3. I dont know what undervolting is. I haven't overclocked anything in my system and never have
  4. That is what my guess is. It is so weird that litteraly from one moment to another all my games went from working fine to all of them crashing...

WoWS gave a first error now:
"Message: ManagedEffect::createEffect: Error creating effect for 'shaders/std_effects/PBS_ship_camo.fx' (reason = Unknown error. )"

And this is what pops up in my Event logs:
"Foutbucket LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_nvlddmkm.sys_Kepler_3D, type 0"

I have found that line on google and it suggests faulty drivers. However, I can't even remember how many times I already did a clean re/uninstall of the drivers....
Thanks again for your time!