Is my gpu dead?


May 4, 2017
So i posted in another thread that my power supply was faulty. When I fiddled with the back plug (one that connects to the psu not the wall) my gpu started smoking so i quickly shut it off. I thought my gpu was dead but I figured out that my power supply still worked (with the cord pushed down) so I tried to turn it on and the fan for my gpu moves about 4 blades around second but doesn't do anything else. Now I can't really test it with the pc in the control panel because I am using a gdc beast egpu v8.0 mini pcie port and I'm sure that that got destroyed because the light turns on for a second then quickly dims out. Is there a way to tell if the gpu broken or not?
I tested it again im stupid so I plugged the +4 pin into the cpu slot and forgot to put the pcie pin into the gpu xD. But I would like to know if that is the reason my card was smoking or was the psu still the problem (with the faulty part)


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