Is my gpu the problem???

Aug 11, 2018
this is my first time posting on a forum like this so please forgive me if i mess anything up

I have an
i5 6600k clocked at 3.9mhz
zotac gtx 1080 amp extreme 8gb ... idk what its clocked at
8gb of crucial ram
and msi z170 gaming m3

I think most of you guys know that monster hunter world and the call of duty black ops 4 beta just came out and like most people I had to play them. BUT I CANT well sorta all day today ive been trying to get my fps at a stable 120 or even 60 but havent had any luck. When i playy monster hunter world as soon as i get into the game no matter the graphic settings i barley get 30-60 fps when in the hub world as soon as i start a quest and get into the actaully game my fps just goes everywhere from 40 to 80 to 20 etc... pls i need help
It might be optimization. I know stellaris had that problem, then an update came out to fix that problem. I'd just start closing unnecessary programs. But that'll help like 1% basically. That's what it feels like. You can also open task manager, and the menu where you can see the CPU, Ram, wifi, like everything basically. There should be a list of programs running. That's the menu I'm talking about. Then at the top of task, not on the left panel top, but the top, click on CPU, and then the CPU will show most usuahe at the top. Itll show games and programs that are being used most when they're open.
Update drivers. Make sure they're up to date. Games that are in beta/alpha usually have bad optimization, so basically everyone's pc can lack a lot of FPS. Especially new games that have released. Otherwise, test other games, like games that have been out for a while. If your fps is good there, then all you can do is hope drivers do the job. If they don't, then you have to wait until optimization is better.

I unistalled them with ddu and then did a fresh install with geforce experience i mean the other games that i play arent as intensive as these games imo fortnite with everything on epic runs smooth with some exceptions. the only game that i can say for certain that has changed is the way pubg runs when i first got my card i decided to play on everything very high i was at a stable 144fps but now when i decided to play today still everything at very high my fps was again every and not once did i hit 144fps.
Maybe the I5 is bottlenecking. Perhaps a background program could be taking one of your cores to 100% causing fps drop. If your CPU can't keep up, then it'll slow down your GPU. Just watch your CPU cores in task manager. I've had a similar problem. My I7 5820k was bottleknecking my 980ti when I played stellaris. Usually if something takes one core away, like my 5th core at 100%, I have massive frame drops every few seconds or minutes.

i just checked and my processor is getting to 100% but the only thing i see getting it to that point is mhw. how would i go about fixing that???
It might be optimization. I know stellaris had that problem, then an update came out to fix that problem. I'd just start closing unnecessary programs. But that'll help like 1% basically. That's what it feels like. You can also open task manager, and the menu where you can see the CPU, Ram, wifi, like everything basically. There should be a list of programs running. That's the menu I'm talking about. Then at the top of task, not on the left panel top, but the top, click on CPU, and then the CPU will show most usuahe at the top. Itll show games and programs that are being used most when they're open.

No, lmao, you should never put a GTX 1080 with an i5 like that, hahahahaha. The i5 6600 is slower than even a Sandy Bridge i7 2600. ZYour CPU is severely bottlenecking the 1080. Your CPU is the problem, not your GPU.