Try this tutorial first:
Figuring Out Your Old Graphics Card
It is very important to figure out what Graphics Card you have currently before upgrading because of the next step. The easiest way is to do this is to go into your search bar in the start menu and type "dxdiag". Run this program and go into the "Display" tab. It will tell you your Graphics card provider. Either "Intel" "AMD" or "Nvidia"
Uninstall Your old Graphics Drivers
You may think, "I don't have a graphics driver installed because I don't have a graphics card installed yet." But you are mistaken. If you are not running on a graphics card you are running on integrated graphics likely made by Intel (but sometimes AMD and Nvidia. Just follow instructions on uninstalling Amd or Nvidia if you have one of those as your integrated graphics)
Nvidia Graphics Cards
The easiest way to uninstall Nvidia drivers is going into the Control Panel, and go into the "Add/Remove Programs" Select "NVIDIA Windows Display Drivers", and Click Change/Remove or Add/Remove button. Proceed to remove drivers. It will pop up and ask you if you want to save your NView profiles and it wouldn't be a bad thing if you are upgrading to another Nvidia graphics card. Otherwise delete them. You will have to restart to finish instillation.
Go into your control panel, then Add/Remove Programs and select "AMD (ATI) Catalyst Install Manager" and select "Change" A list of options will pop up and you should select "Express Uninstall". It will then uninstall your drivers. Afterwords check the Add/Remove Programs menu for any other AMD (ATI) services, drivers etc. Uninstall them the same way.
Go into the Control Panel and select Add/Remove Programs. Look for anything like "Intel Graphics Driver" "Intel GMA Driver". Right click it and select Uninstall. It will go through the wizard and afterwards reboot.