Is my Graphics Card compatible with my Motherboard?


Sep 16, 2011
I just bought a new MSI R5670-PMD1G Radeon HD 5670 1 GB for my ECS G31T-M7.
Sometimes when i play games or surfing the monitor just turns black so i have to restart it when it occurs.
And sometimes the mouse pointer turns distorted similar to an artifact.
All PCIE slots are backward and forward compatible.So there is no problem with compatiblity.You can try upgrading your bios but I dont think it would hep much.Try running fur mark in extreme burning mode and see what happens.If it goes black again then you should send this card for RMA.
What are the full specs of your computer including powersupply?

What OS do you have and what games are you playing? Do you have the drives that came with the card installed or the latest drivers?
Sounds like a power or a faulty Video Card. Can you try putting it in another system? The fault should follow. If it works fine? Check the the power supply. Sounds like it could be struggling with the power demand. I'm betting it's a bad VGA card.
2048 DDR2 Memory, ECS G31T-M7 Mobo, MSI R5670-PMD1G Radeon HD 5670 1 GB VGA.

I'm playing Heroes of Newerth, My current OS is Win7 32bit.
My drivers are up to date my GPU came with a cd that have all the drivers and a updating software called Live Update 5.

I doubt its a faulty GPU cause when i bought it, It was new.
I'm kinda thinking the problem is the PSU i cant determine how many Watts my PSU have i dont know where to find it.
I can only tell it was assembled at a shop so it can support my old GPU a Inno3d 9500GT.

The 5670 needs 400W PSU with 26A on the 12V rails. Open the side of your PC case, there should be a table on the PSU itself with all the values.

Brand: Zeno Power P4-600W


Voltage || Current || Frequency

V-Input 115V-220v || 8A 4A || 60Hz-50Hz

V-Output +33V | +5v | +12V || -5V |-12V| +5VSB || PS-ON| POK| COM
28A | 45A | 18A || 0.8A| 1A | 2.5A || REMOTE | P.G | RETURN

Max 600W | 216W || 4W |12W| 12.5W || - | - | -
"I doubt its a faulty GPU cause when i bought it, It was new."

^ That means nothing in retail. I have bought new MB's, Video Cards, Memory all bad straight from the store. Do not assume anything, verify all components before making any decisions or you may end up burning more $$$$$ than you want.

So basically my PSU is the reason for all this?.
Cause on the official forums of MSI they also told me my PSU is junk, They told me to get something like +12V~26A or higher.
As I told you any good quality 450W psu can provide more than 26A on 12v rails.If you are willing to invest a bit more then I recommend getting a 650W psu like Corsair TX650 ,Coolermaster GX 650 or XFX core Edition 650W etc.They can handle 52-53A on 12v rails, the juice you might need if you plan to upgrade your system in future.