Is my graphics card fired or its just old and unusable?


Nov 28, 2015
I have a GT 730 2GB, Upgrading to a GTX 950 Strix soon..
So I was playing GTA V, Battlefield 3 and 4 on this card.. They were running.. Lets say.. Smooth, not bad..

I bought it in March 2015 and now the last 3 months all games started stuttering, PC's lagging.. It's just really unusable.

CPU : Intel i5 3470
GPU : GT 730 2GB

I am upgrading my rig to 16 gigs of ram, and a GTX 950 Strix by Asus.

8gb is fine for gaming, save the rest to go to the 960 instead.

For the lagging and stuttering, check your CPU temperatures, often this is if the heat sink isnt doing its job and causing "throttling" due to it getting too hot. Use something like CoreTemp and monitor the temperature when gaming.
8gb is fine for gaming, save the rest to go to the 960 instead.

For the lagging and stuttering, check your CPU temperatures, often this is if the heat sink isnt doing its job and causing "throttling" due to it getting too hot. Use something like CoreTemp and monitor the temperature when gaming.

That's what I thought too.
But here's something.. When I say I want a GTX 950, I say again.. Why not the 960? But then .. Why not the 970?..
See what's happening there? 😉

Yeah I see what you mean, but with current deals, the 960 is within $30 in some countrys, where as the 970 will be over $100 more.

With 8gb of ram and a good power supply, your system is capable of taking what ever graphics card you want.

My power supply doesn't have a PCI-E connector, It's a Zeus 400W psu. Will I be able to use the EVGA GTX960 Superclocked with it?

Thank you so much man..
One more thing..
I added a SeaSonic 500W Bronze SS-500ET with a GTX 960 Windforce.
Is that good?

oh and I will get extra 8GB ram from a local store.
I just realized that the problem is from my CPU.. My heat sink isnt working properly .. My CPU reaches 110 Celsius