Is my graphics card ok? Overheating


Feb 11, 2017
i was dedusting and updating my drivers and stuff and when i was finished i noticed my GPU had finaly started to overheat and needed the fans to start spinning so i checked its temp and it went from 40-70 degrees in about 5 minutes i can play the game in the lowest settings and still just sky rockets i dont know if its normal and i just need to put the fans on 100% when i play. but iv never had this issue ever it has allways stayed below 40 degrees when when im running mutplgames if you need more info i can provide but im not sure if my card should be running at 1991 mhz constantly when im playing when im ingame it keeps spiking aswell drops to 0 for a like 2 seconds and keeps getting worse

*edit* a few hours later iv fixed the spiking issue no clue how. but im still in the annoying thing of it hitting 70 degrees before iv even loaded into the dam game. i have to keep my fans on 2475 rpm to keep it at 45-50 degrees. could this be a thermal paste problem? or maybe a virus has messed with some settings causing it to overheat? Pic of a few parts
A GPU that heats up in seconds is usually the result of poor contact between the cooler and the top of the GPU. By any chance have you moved or knocked the card much?
If it's not under warranty, then you need to remove the cooler and replace the thermal paste, and hopefully it seats down nicely. If you're not sure how, there are plenty of Youtube videos on the topic, you'll need to buy some paste if you don't already have some.
no it will get way hotter if i dont turn the game off and put the fans to 100% . Just tested it from 30 degrees all i did was open fortnite not even get into a game and before it even loaded my card is at 50 degrees with both fans sspinning at 2k rpm and just rising im typing this and its at 65 degrees now why the FUCK is it heating up so quick ( iv had this card for awhile and its never even had to use the freaking fans or even get hot )
i dont know if the card is ment to be running at GPU clock 1990 mhz constantly as stock?

iv had the card for over a year and its never needed the fans to turn on and has worked like a charm until a few days ago
dont have a warranty on it
is there a way i can set it to only output like 1500 mhz so i can play without catching fire?#
found a short term problem solve 3k fanRPM taking away what i can from the mhz and playing just 1 game
anything i can do here?
not sure if a virus can cause it to max out whe ni play games?

thats the problem there is no LOAD iv run fortnite for 3 days in a row and its not even needed the fans to start spinning. now it cant even load fortnite without going from 25 degrees to well above 70 if i let it in minutes

Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB WINDFORCE OC 6G Video Card
ah ok so the heating up in seconds i can completely forget about just dont hit 90 degrees?
A GPU that heats up in seconds is usually the result of poor contact between the cooler and the top of the GPU. By any chance have you moved or knocked the card much?
If it's not under warranty, then you need to remove the cooler and replace the thermal paste, and hopefully it seats down nicely. If you're not sure how, there are plenty of Youtube videos on the topic, you'll need to buy some paste if you don't already have some.

think i must of hit a cable or somthing must of moved while dusting i used a little to much strength to make sure it was all connected properly and it seems to be doing fine now thanks :)