Is my graphics card supposed to look like this?


Jun 11, 2015
Card: Sapphire Radeon DUAL-X R9 270x

So, it's my first time building a PC part-by-part. It was going fine and then this occurs:

My motherboard is in place, and I try to install my GPU. However, because of that piece of metal that seems to have been bent (It was like that when I first got it) I cannot fit the card into place. It's bent and it wont go through the 2 holes in my motherboard made just for that reason, and instead just makes contact with my MB. What should I do? Bring it back and get it exchanged? Or is it supposed to look like that?

Thank you.
it should not look like that. If that part is bent, there could be PCB damage and other problems with that card. I would return it as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your quick replies! It was like this right out the box, and only realized after attempting to install it onto my motherboard. I thought I did something wrong at first. I'll return this ASAP.
If it's bent, you could:

1) take a picture of it.
2) unbend it (it's fairly flexible as there is some variation in design and clearances between the mobo and the case. a pair of pliers to grip it and a little force is all it should take)
3) put it in and see if it works.

Or you could just send it back.