is my GTX 960 going to RIP soon?


Oct 13, 2015
so i have a funny thing going on here, my GPU is a GTX 960 it started this morning where MSI afterburner said my OC was set to 32.9GHz and i could not turn it down, restarting PC fixed it tho,
i started FurMark and my core clock would not pass 650MHz giving me 32FPS at 1024x768 no AA.

in GTA V i got my full 70-130 FPS but afterburner said the core clock was going back and forth from 650MHz to about 1400MHz (i wasn't getting any FPS dips) and the fan would not spin up! i looked in my case, fans not moving yet afterburner says the temps where 100F and it was stuck there

then i started to get pink artifacts in GTA V and the longer i played the more artifacts showed up, i quit GTA V and i forced closed afterburner in task manager then about 1 second i heard my GPU's fans go to 100% and stay there for about 30 seconds then eventually going back to 0%, i felt the back plate and it was cool.

So what is up with this? would a simple reinstall of something fix this or is more?

32.9GHz -

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