Is my hardware bottlenecking my GTX 770?


Jul 6, 2013
Hey Tom's Hardware.

I picked up an MSI Twin Frozr GTX 770 yesterday, and was wondering if any of them other hardware might somehow bottleneck it.

Its on an MSI 870U-G55 Motherboard, with a AMD Athlon II x3 460.

In addition, I have 16GB of RAM, and most of my games are installed on a 1TB HDD.(One or two of them is on a 120GB SSD, which is my boot drive, so I typically dont put games on it.)

Will I need to OC my processor to get maximum performance, or would it be more worth it to just get a newer processor/motherboard that runs on the AM3+ socket?

Would overclocking it help?
And what processor would you recommend for maximum performance?
Unless you are going to buy all new just try to overclock the cpu as far as you can.

That motherboard supports core unlock try that out 4 cores at 3.4 Ghz would not be terrible if you were able to oc to 3.6 which would be very mild with the 4th core unlocked I think you will be fine, I mean you could get better frame rates with new equipment (cpu/mobo/ram) BUT try to unlock the core and if that works try to overclock as much as possible, a 4th core at 3.4Ghz is worth more than 3 cores at 4Ghz but if it comes down to it just overclock until it has nothing left to give.

Can someone just tell me the best AMD CPU to maximize performance?

FX - 8350
I said it earlier as well.

I agree. Just grab one of those CPUs and forget all about Athlon...or try to.

Oops. sorry. I must not be fully awake.
Ill look into getting that as soon as i can.

Just make sure your motherboard supports it first, if not, a new board will be needed.

It is not supported. So OP can buy a new motherboard + 8350 or get a Phenom II x4 965

Silly pinkie.

It says you're an overclock veteran.

What would be better for overclocking my Athlon?

Should I use the OC Genie switch on my mobo, or do it manually?

NEVER use software or automatic OCing, it always applies to much voltage. Do it in your BIOS directly.

NEVER use software or automatic OCing, it always applies to much voltage. Do it in your BIOS directly.

Im afraid not. But im still willing to overclock