Is my hardware bottlenecking?


Aug 5, 2014
I've noticed that my system might be bottlenecking in a couple of games, these are Mafia 2 (after you've got out of prison) and World of Warcraft (patch 7.0). In certain places on WoW my GPU usage drops to about 50-80% and in Mafia 2 to around 80%, this gives me quite the framerate drop. The thing is, it doesn't happen in every game, it's just in this two I've noticed the problem. Also, running a GTX 1070 with 2100MHz core clock and 4392MHz memory clock with an i5-4690K overclocked to 4,6GHz with 1.275vcore, I don't believe that my CPU is bottlenecking my GPU because it's way too strong. I also forgot to mention that my CPU usage drops simultaneously with the GPU usage, so it's not like my CPU is at 100% and my GPU is at 60%.
Well, my CPU temps are around 60c when gaming and my GPU is at about 70-73c with my custom fan profile (stock was at 82c). Also, I think it's worth mentioning that my GPU usage is always at 0% no matter what I do.
I disabled kboost which was making my GPU show 0% usage. Now I'm getting like 80-90% cpu usage and around 50-60% GPU usage in Need For Speed. I saw a benchmarking video with the same GPU as me but with a 6700K at 4,6GHz, and that guy had like 130fps where I had around 70. This appears to be a bottleneck but I think it's very weird for a 4,6GHz 4690K to bottleneck a GTX 1070.

Also, I didn't have these bottlenecking issues a couple of days ago (exact same setup).