Is my HDD bad ?


May 8, 2012
I just bought a new computer a few weeks ago via walmarts ibuypower thing they have going on. I recently looked at my event logs and saw this a few times:
The device, \Device\Harddisk0\DR0, has a bad block.

I then downloaded western digitals lifeguard diagnostics and ran a Quick Test.. which did not finish.
Test Option: QUICK TEST
Model Number: WDC WD5000AAKX-00ERMA0
Unit Serial Number: WD-WCC2ES331963
Firmware Number: 15.01H15
Capacity: 500.10 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 06-Quick Test on drive 1 did not complete! Status code = 07 (Failed read test element), Failure Checkpoint = 97 (Unknown Test) SMART self-test did not complete on drive 1!
Test Time: 20:10:42, February 26, 2013

This has happened before.. and I ran a chkdsk /f /r. Didn't see it again for awhile until now.
Tomorrow is the last day I am able to return the computer I believe .. if somethings really that bad with it. Please help ><
Just finished the extended test and this is the outcome:
Model Number: WDC WD5000AAKX-00ERMA0
Unit Serial Number: WD-WCC2ES331963
Firmware Number: 15.01H15
Capacity: 500.10 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 08-Error was detected while repairing bad sectors.
Test Time: 21:52:43, February 26, 2013

Should I return the entire computer tomorrow or just contact WD?
I ran chkdsk.. it said 4kb in bad sectors. I'm assuming that grows in time or something? God I really wish I could save this, finding a dcent computer took awhile and was stressful.
I think the last time I did chkdsk /f /r it stopped for awhile.. I dunno, this is the first time I have encountered this
Would HD Tune tell me anything different/better? I heard of ppl running that to
I would contact ibuypower for that particular problem. You might as well return the computer, and build your own. It's much cheaper and overall a better choice than a pre-build one. Even now I am somehow regretted buying this pre-build Dell PC...
I've never built my own computer.. not by hand atleast. I've always been afraid of buying seperate parts and then getting them and ..screwing something up. S'why I thought that ibuypower thing from walmart was good, now im extremely upset.

There are lots of guides on the internet, including Tom's hardware, teaches you how to build a computer. You can always make a separate post regarding what parts you need to choose, how to build a computer, etc. I am sure that atleast one people will help you with it.
I have another question.. I purchased my new comp cause my old one was dieing.. I reformated my old one to early, and thus accidentally lost a lot of files. After I reformatted, and before it died completely, I used a data recovery tool to get back a lot of items. I checkmarked "Ignore bad sectors" when I did it.

My question is.. after I recovered a bunch of files, I had moved many to my new computer.. Could that of caused the bad sector on my new computer/HDD? Or any problem?
No, you can't transfer bad sectors from one drive to another. You are only moving the data, or what data you are able to read.

If you want to save files, you should burn them to DVDs or put them on some USB drives or something, return your new computer that has the bad drive and see if they can just give you a new one. I would hope Walmart just does an exchange for you.
I doubt they can exchange it since it was kind of a custom thing i bought online from them.
Is there really no way to fix the problem at all? Part of me kinda wants to keep the comp anyway cause of the hassle of returning and waiting weeks to get another new comp. I Can only find good ones online
You can try a "full format" to your hard drive, it should fix most of the bad sectors. But you will have to wait very long for a full format though, for my 1TB WD Caviar Blue, it took me 3 hours for a full format of the HDD.
That.... really bites... I wonder If I can talk them into just replacing my harddrive .. but then I would also need an OS, since it came pre-loaded onto the HDD i believe.. and they only gave me a reinstall dvd of win7 that says I can only use it for backup and recovery.
I returned it today, no worrys. Did not want to take a chance. Hell they gave me an extra 15 bux when they were adding up the numbers, heh. Now I just gotta figure out a budget and parts for a computer. May post again soon asking for help on the forums. For now I'm using a "spare" computer that I can at least surf the net and chat with.
Thank you everybody.
@ cathymore with the code he have even if it repair the bad sector the driver controller that make it spin will stop and the drive will be useless and it will loose all is data that are on that drive it happens to me before with the same code whith the same maker .