Is my i7-3770k compatible with a 1151 socket?


Aug 21, 2016
I currently have a GIGABYTE GA-z77-DS3H and I wanted to upgrade a few things in my build, and one of those being the motherboard. I wanted to know if my I7-3770k would be compatible with the ASUS Z170-A ATX mobo? Socket type and other things to look for?

I'm not completely new to this, I've just seen mixed responses on multiple forums and want to know if anyone here had some insight. THANKS!
replacing the one small part, (which you'll probably need again anyway), is good diagnostic, so use it to determine what kind of problem you have, then make your choice.

ok are there any other solutions I can go with without spending so much? Any higher end motherboards that can work?
Thanks for the quick response I really appreciate it.

Yes I understand it's a 1155, and by does not support do you mean my current motherboard or the processor? Sorry I'm not 100% on this stuff. Thanks!

GTX 970 Turbo 4gb Graphics card
32gb DDR3 (4 sticks) (I'm willing to buy DDR4 if need be?)
CX 750M power supply
The motherboard I said
Toshiba 1 TB sata

Anything else I'm missing/needing specification ?
What ever forums you have been on where you have got mixed responses stay away from them as they don't have a clue what they are talking about.

3770k is a socket 1155, it therefore MUST have a socket 1155 mobo, this is not a nice to have, it will not fit and it will not work without it.

The Z170 is a socket 1151. It needs a socket 1151 processor to work, again this is not a nice to have, any other processor will not fit or work. Z170 happens to be DDR4, which the 3770 cannot cope with, and does not have a board that would work with DDR4 anyway.

The two need to have the same socket it is that simple.

However why are you wanting to upgrade, there is some performance benefit but for a 3770k, probably not that much, what features are you looking for and why?

Thank you! Your response is extremely helpful!

And long story short, I'm trying to upgrade some parts and re-master my internal components. My pc is going on 4 years now and iv had to replace 2 ram already and now sometimes my mobo doesn't recognize my wifi adapter.. which leads me to believe its on its way out? Any suggestions would be great!

Also pertaining to the processor, if I wanted to ultimately upgrade I would have to have a different processor to fit whichever mobo I wanted, correct? Thank you so much again.

Sadly, yes...

Right now a CX 750M

and yeah I'm debating replacing the small parts or go all in again