Is my Intel Core i5-4690k fake?

what's weird is that cuip-z is showing your cpu as a 4690 not a 4690K, I have a 4690K and cpuiz recognizes it properly.
I wonder if the problem could be at the motherboard level, what does the bios say about the cpu mode.

I ask this because you modifier is showing x8 when mine is showing x35 @3500Mhz.

have you tried to clear your cmos and see if that clears up thing, maybe something in your overclock is left over causing the issue.

Funny thing is I'm using it for over a year. I always had a sh*t performance, but I just really noticed that something is wrong after running MSIAfterburner. It runs at 900-1900MHz, instead of like 3500MHz+. I created other thread for that problem - and someone told me to change the thermal stuff, as that might be the reason. While changing it - I send a photo to my friend who told me it was fake, because of the font and those other reasons.

Do you have any idea why I get like 900-1500 MHz in-game? I tried everything thats in that thread.
If that CPU isn't fake I don't know what's happening, like literally. That's surely not power supply fault, neither motherboard.

Silentium PC Spartan 3 - I know it's not mega better than the stock one, but it's not about temperatures, I just changed my thermal paste today, cleaned it and my temperatures are pretty good. About 60-70C after 10 minutes of Prime95 Blend Stress Test.

My hardware is the following:

Motherboard: ASUS Z97-P
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690k [not overclocked]
Graphics Card: Gainward GTX 1060 6GB
RAM: 8GB Ballistix Sport DDR3-1600
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Not sure if it's dropping while doing the test, I'm pretty sure it works on that low frequencies like all the time.

You need to find out. Also exactly what PSU you have can be a factor. Cheap/bad more expensive ones can have inconsistent power delivery regardless of how many watts they claim to supply.

I don't see a CPU cooler there either.... even though you say temps aren't an issue, an insufficient cooler could still lead to dropped frequencies.

Comparing the specs of your CPU with CPU-Z to another real 4690k may help.

Should look exactly like this, if it doesn't show us.

The point is CPU-z & HWMonitor show fake frequencies. Everything else is good.
Why fake?
Because whenever I use MSIAfterburner in programs, it shows me that I dont know - game works at 900-1900MHz and the performance is very shit (90-150FPS at like 6 years old game at lowest settings).


if you are concerned about programs showing different frequencies then check to see what frequencies are reported in your BIOS


So, all the other programs besides MSI afterburner are wrong? That's, extremely unlikely. MSI Afterburner hasn't like, been updated in quite a few years now.

Are you complaining about "low" CSGO FPS? There's so many other reasons for that besides a "fake" CPU. If your CPU was fake, it'd be obvious in all these other programs.

90-150 FPS isn't "bad" either, it more likely means the game can't push the CPU to work any harder.

And are you sure MSI Afterburner isn't show you the GPU clock? which can max out around 1900mhz.

Also MSI Afterburner comes bundled with a much older version of RivatunerStatistics Server (which is what the OSD actually is). It;s up to version 7.0 now:
And use HWInfo64 to add the other values to be displayed in RSS:
Turn off MSI Afterburner because it will, conflict.

MSI shows me my CPU Usage, that works fine for all of my friends. Another proof is that I was working on a stock speed, thats 3.5 GHz - and even after overclocking to 4.2 GHz the performance wasn't even a bit better, not even 1 single FPS more. And that's not only in CS:GO game. Same with like Overwatch, Battlefield 1. It should work fine at highest settings on 4K. And it cant handle lowest ones at 5 year old game.
Yes, the FPS are really shit, honestly - I had like 100FPS more while I had Intel Core 2 Quad, GTX 460, 4GB DDR2 set.
And will do that last thing in like 10 hours, not home now.
Thank you.

There are two speeds monitors at BIOS, one shows me 4100MHz, the second one about 3600MHz. While on windows - CPU-z shows me that it works on 4.1GHz, same with HWMonitor.