Is my laptop processor soldered on?

It has a a6 4400m apu, it uses a FS1 socket, so, it shouldn't be soldered. Here is a pic of your lap motherboard:

The A6-4400m is a PGA cpu so it is socketed and not soldered(bga). Still replacing the cpu on laptops is difficult as there is no way to check compatibility unless the OEM shipped that model with different cpioptions, and toshiba only shipped that model with 1 cpu option so the bios may not support others. The thermal design may also not support a faster apu.

Thanks for the quick reply. Its good to know its not soldered even if I can't upgrade. I was though thinking about upgrading to an a10-4600m, Looking at them side by side there almost identical. But would the Bios even support a Quad core? And if it did. You mention thermal design. Are you talking about heat dissipation? or TDP? or the Motherboard giving improper voltages? I doubt its feasible but doesn't hurt to ask.

I wouldn't even bother if you need to go that far into it. Laptops are a horrible mess to deal with, might as well buy a whole new laptop.

I guess I'll half to find out for myself. An a10-4600m for $40. I'd be more than happy to go through the hassle.

If its compatible.