Is my motherboard broken or is there something else?


Sep 9, 2015
So a couple days ago my pc stopped being able to acces the internet through my ethernet cable. After some research I thought that resetting the cmos would solve the problem but after pulling the little battery on my motherboard out and putting it back in after a while, my pc wouldn't even start up anymore. Now I'm debating if my motherboard is broken or if there is an other problem. When i press the power button the fans start turning but my screen doesn't work and my backlit keyboard ,wich lights up when i start the pc , didn't light up. I know for sure that the original problem didn't lie within the cable because i used the cable on another pc and that one was able to acces the internet.
Sorry for my English I'm from Belgium 😀
Please help me
Maybe all you had to do is update your ethernet driver and problem could be fixed.. this way I have no clue what did you do exactly to your mobo, which model do you have and what exactly did you do... did you remove any cable from PSU that's going into your mobo or smth..
I checked every cable on my PSU and everything seemed to be fine. My motherboard is the MSI Z87-G43 and I only pulled out the little battery out of it's socket and put it back in after a while.


I did disconnect the power and no it was the same battery
Ok, where on the motherboard can i find those jumpers?

Make sure you reseated the battery properly. Also do you have a stand alone network card or are you using a intergrated one? Try switching adapters. Also your video card. Is it a standalone or built in? Try switching cards. Also if you change any of the above mentioned make sure you change your bios setting to match. Good luck.
Is your keyboard usb? If so try switching to another usb port.
I plug my ethernet cable into my motherboard. But i can't even acces the bios anymore so that's why i think there is something wrong with my motherboard.