Is my Motherboard good enough?


Apr 12, 2014
I have core i5 4670
8gb Corsair vengeance 1600 Mhz
Amd hd 7790 1 gb gddr5
1 tb Hdd
Is my mobo good enough for gaming att 1680x1050 ??
Or do i need to get a better one?

Yes. For 30 fps, Ultra in pretty much any game will easily be doable. That Motherboard is good enough, too.
I know it's not 1080p. I give it 30fps medium because there are some games that are just horribly optimized and as worst case scenario. Not all games will run 30fps medium even with higher specs. Some mmos I play with my set up won't run 60fps on low settings.

The other thing is that 30fps is playable. That's all that's needed.

Games like Crysis 3 will not, but most modern games will.

Games like Crysis 3 will not, but most modern games will.

Sorry my Motherboard is H81mp33> is it good enough??

IS h81 mp33 good for gaming?? I bought it in a hurry do i need to change it now??

Yes. For 30 fps, Ultra in pretty much any game will easily be doable. That Motherboard is good enough, too.

My friends say that it is a cheap motherboard and also a MIcro atx one thats why it will hinder your performance since it has only Pci 2.0 slot and no dual channel memory