Is my Overclocking safe?


Apr 15, 2011
Hi every reader! :)
I overclocked my i7 950 for the first time in 4 years 😛 motherboard ASUS P6X58D-E.

Here is how its look like check the pics!

I tested the stability with Prime95 and it did not crash. The temperature at is at 72C at full load. I also tested Shadow of Mordor for about 10 minutes and it did not get over 52C.

Am I good to go with this? is there any high voltage involved or something? I tried to get it to 4Ghz but I got to many crashed and got tired. I may try some other time.

gonna use this for the rest of the day and see if its really stable. But I got to say I got good improvement with the FPS in shadow of mordor.
you should be safe. im on my work computer so I cant look at your pictures but you tested with prime95 and that's good and the temps look good so id say stick with it. don't mess with voltages until you become better at overclocking

voltages are what destroy componets.

Thank you :)