Is my PC better than a PS4

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Jan 7, 2015
Im a hardcore PC gamer (pcmasterace)
Im trying to convince my brother in law that PC is better than Console and he doesn't believe that my PC is better than is PS4

My PC specs

CPU -- Intel Core i5‑6500 3.2 GHz Quad‑Core Processor SkyLake

GPU -- MSI Radeon RX 480 4GB GAMING X Video Card

RAM -- G.Skill Ripjaws V series 16GB

PSU -- SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply

Mother Board -- ASUS B150 GAMING/AURA

I feel restarted asking this question on this website but my brother in law doesn't believe me.

Thanks! :)
In all honesty, you shouldn't start a flame war of this nature. You should know that the console has it's space within the market and if you plan to do productivity work on a PS4, it's going to fail. If you plan to game on the desktop it can do so but then again it also boils down to what titles you want to play since there can and will be exclusive titles for the console platform. Gran Turismo being one such example.

You also didn't state what your brother in law uses his PS4 for... :) You should also take into account that game developers can also code the game to run better or similar on the console.

He uses it for gaming

Spec wise: it's simply better and will allow for higher settings at higher fps.
Fun wise: idk if he has fun on his console then why switch unless something is bothering him about it.

It depends what you mean by "better".

A gaming console is nowhere as versatile as a PC - - - you can do much more than just play games on a PC.

There is just no comparison between the two - - - one is just for gaming, the other is for gaming & running applications.

You choose which one suits you best, arguments are pointless. We don't tolerate that here.
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