Is my PC compatible with a EVGA GeForce GTX 750Ti SC 2GB GDDR5 Graphics Card? Please help =-)


Sep 3, 2012
Hi, I'm looking to start upgrading my computer, but im on a strict budget of 250$.
I was looking at the 750Ti for 130$ and I need to know if I would be able to run it on my current rig, and if not what do I need to do to be able to?
I'm not the type of guy who needs all games on ultra, or even high quality for that matter.
What's more important to me is FPS, and getting the best bang for my buck. I'm looking to be able to play games like H1Z1, and maybe Evolve? I'm not too computer savvy yet, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz
8GB of ram
A 450Watt power supply
Board: Gateway DX4860
Bus Clock: 100 megahertz
BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. P01-A3 04/19/2011

If you need any more information, please let me know, and I will get it posted right away =-)

Thank you all in advance

Well You could take the side panel of your Computer and try to put the card into the PCi-E slot or you could go into your computers bios and figure out if your computer has a PCI-E X16 slot
I found out I did have PCI-E X16 slot, so I ordered the 750TI SC, so that should be fine and dandy... But now im looking into getting another processor because mine is kind of low-end being a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz, does anyone have any suggestions towards what processor would pair well with an 750TI SC? I do game A LOT, but like I said above, I dont care about getting maximum graphics out of a game, as long as my FPS is spot on. I'm not sure what the price range for decent processors are but I would like to keep it under 150$ if possible.

Any help/advice would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance =-)

Im pretty sure your board has a PCI-E slot. its usually the one PCI slot after under the CPU socket. in your board its the blue one if Im not mistaking

wait till you get your new card and run a few benchmarks and see if you really need a processor.
I dont think you need a new CPU i think its decent.