[SOLVED] Is my pc still ok for modern use today

Oct 23, 2018
Inside my rig i have a fx 6300@ a nice 4.3 ghz runs pretty cool. I have a gtx 1060 3 gig that i bought from my friend for 40 bucks a asrock 970a -3.1 am3 and a gskill 8 gig stick of ddr3 ram @ 1866 mhz and a 500w power suppy im wondering if this rig is still capable of playing most games at 60 fps high ish setting 1080p (I mostly play games like rust, star wars battlefront, pubg ring of elysium etc...

Well any worthwhile upgrade is going to consist of you replacing the CPU/MB/RAM so it's going to cost a few hundred (USD) to do. Try the system out and if it performs well then hold off for now.
you can use it for good 2-3 years before i would say you need to get a new rig.. it will run most games 1080p mix-high setting. software might have few hiccups here and there but nothing too annoying. you didnt mention SSD, if you dont have it then you should get it.
ssd would be only upgrade i would do in that system, nothing else. other upgrades are just not worth it

keep it for now unless you sitting on $1000
Did you rob a bank or something?

your current system is being bottle-necked by the CPU. but you'll get around 45 to 50 fps on average on most games. On 1080p I'd say only about 60 to 70% of you GPU is being Used. (I'm specifying resolution with GPU usage because generally gpu usage is higher on higher resolution and CPU usage is higher on lower resolution). so you'll get almost the same fps on 1440p as 1080p with your current set up.

And if you really want to upgrade just upgrade the platform(CPU motherboard and RAM). Upgrade the GPU later because its still decent. PSU wattage is decent too, if it's a good quality PSU keep that too Also throw in an SSD.

oh i already have two 120 gig ssds and 3 1tb hard drives also what do you mean by rob a bank also i would not get the same preformance in 1440p cause my shit would be vram starved then it would offload to my ram which is ddr3 so............ id get peiced anyways what parts should i put in if my budget is 400 buck for a upgrade