Is my PC strong enough?

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Apr 20, 2015
Hey guys, i used to do all my gaming on my console (ps4). However, i now want to build my first gaming PC. I was wondering if you guys could tell me if my setup was good enough. I am looking to play all games at 1080p, 60fps, setting high to ultra.

Intel Core i7 4790K CPU
MSI GTX 970 Gaming GPU
MSI Z97 Gaming 5 Motherboard
8GB (2x4GB) Crucial Billistix Tactical 1866MHz RAM
Samsung EVO 850 250GB SSD
1TB Western Digital Blue HDD
Corsair VS 650W

I want to use the pc for gaming but also work. I currently have a 1080p monitor, but i am going to upgrade to 1440p at the end of the year. If at that time i get another GTX 970 for SLI. Wil it be able to handle 1440p games?
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