I recently built my computer. Everything seems to go along smoothly. Installed windows and booted up. Updated all drivers and such. Then I go test out a game. Divinity original sin 2. Screen is stuttering with me manually have to refresh to get stuff moving. Eventually my PC restarts a minute later. I move my gpu from the x16 pcie slot to the x4 pcie slot and everything works normally. well until im playing the game 4-5 hours and then my pc restarts. I then ordered a new gpu, same model same brand, amd rx 5700 xt. same problems. is my motherboard is screwed? After hours of tinkering around, the graphics card in the primary x16 pcie slot doesnt even work now. i get this super long boot up time. eventually it gets to the windows screen and then restarts right after. the x4 pcie slot works fine, im using it atm while writing this. just i am afraid of it restarting again while playing games or doing something gpu intensive over an extended period of time.