Is my PCIE wireless card going bad?


Nov 4, 2013
Lately, my PC speeds have been low. Videos no longer run without buffering in 1080p. Hell, even 240p barely runs. All my online games lag, the lag symbol always is appearing in all my games and I'm skipping all over the place in game. I've had my PC in the same location since day 1 as well as my modem. I've never had any internet issues until this past week. The antennas are always in the same position. This probably seems like an incredibly stupid question, I just want to make sure before I drop $34 on a new one/

Also, I know for sure it isn't my internet because all my other devices use the web just fine with no buffering or slow page loading, and lag-free games.

I wento to Rosewill's website and couldn't find any Windows 10 drivers....I remember I installed W8.1 I had to use W7 drivers with some tinkering...don't know what I can do..

That's very odd, try to contact rosewill support and maybe they can help you further