Question Is my power supply dying?


Jan 6, 2016
Yesterday i tried to turn on my pc but the only that happened is the cpu led light flashed for a second and my pc didnt turn on, i tried several more times this time the led didnt even flash so i unplugged the power then replugged it and my pc booted properly the same thing happened an hour ago although it took way more than several times to boot, i had a problem weeks before where my psu fan stopped spinning but after cleaning it worked so i presumed it wasn't any hardware issue, i had my psu for about 6 years now is it time buy a new one?
i had the exact symptoms. Mobo, gfx and psu fan spinning but after post, the screen black outs.
Takes a couple of hard resets for it to boot up properly into windows. On some websites with alot of flash, pc will crash. with some odd nividia error.

After i switched to a new PSU everything works perfectly