Is my power supply enough ?


Apr 7, 2016
Hi everyone.
I have built a pc about 4 months ago with:
- MSI H170 Gaming M3 Motherboard
- i5 6500 CPU
- 128 GB SSD

At the time I bought a CX 600 Crosair power supply and now I'm thinking about buying the new GPU from NVIDEA, gtx 1070, and I'm not sure if the power supply will still be enough or if I will need a better one. Can you guys help me out with that ?
Officially, 600W it's more than enough.

The CX line isn't the best though - it's been revised recently and it's now 'ok'......but I assume you got a prior model which struggle with longevity.

The CX's have enough protection that, if it dies, it's not likely to damage any other components. You just replace the PSU and continue on.

Personally, I'd suggest you just replace it before running your shiny new 1070 though.
A relatively small additional investment for piece of mind.

Something like a 520W SeaSonic S12II would be a great option - and for under $60
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ SuperBiiz)...
Officially, 600W it's more than enough.

The CX line isn't the best though - it's been revised recently and it's now 'ok'......but I assume you got a prior model which struggle with longevity.

The CX's have enough protection that, if it dies, it's not likely to damage any other components. You just replace the PSU and continue on.

Personally, I'd suggest you just replace it before running your shiny new 1070 though.
A relatively small additional investment for piece of mind.

Something like a 520W SeaSonic S12II would be a great option - and for under $60
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 520W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($58.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $58.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-07-27 13:39 EDT-0400
I had a CX600 and a PC similar to yours,built in 2015,but with i7 4790,GTX 950 and no SSD.
I am also going to buy the 1070, even I asked the question everywhere and most people said that the CX600 is enough but it's not a good PSU.
However my CX600 broke last month,GPU always crashing on load so I replaced it with a Hydro G 750W (Hopefully it will be fine).

750W is totally overkill for that setup, but the Hydro G lineup is awesome. You should have no issues