Is my power supply good enough

Nov 4, 2018
I have been talking to some people and they are saying that i should upgrade my power supply asap i have a vs 650 with a intel core i5 7500 and a 1050 ti
Should i upgrade my power supply or can I upgrade my gpu to a 1060
I don't know why Corsair decided to come out with the VS series. i wouldn't keep in around any computer. I'd invest in something more reliable like the (new) CX series or a Seasonic S12II/M12II.
I checked my vendor and all those products have been discontinued and i can't seem to get them
Im just wondering if i can upgrade my cpu/gpu or should I upgrade my power supply first
You can roughly add up the power requirements of your system by looking up the power consumed by each component. You can read more here :

The bottom line is that you will have no problem. 650w is plenty for your setup.
I am running a similar setup with an intel 8700K and an MSI branded 1060, on a 450W sfx power supply.