Is my PSU dead?


Apr 12, 2017
Hello, guys.

I've searched all over the internet about the problem that i'm facing right now. All i found wasn't that much helpful.

First, what happend:
I was using my computer a day before. Then tomorrow when I started PC, it got to bios backup screen and restarted again. Then it booted into blank bios wallpaper (no any settings appeared) and restarted again, and right now when I press the power button it just spins the fans for a second and dies, continuing that cycle repeatedly (each time spin power on psu is lower).

I did the PSU papper clip test with fan connected to molex. PSU fan starts spinning, then stops. The power is still on.
My model got a led light which WORKS when psu is turned ON, same as FAN connected to molex.

Is that the dead PSU problem overhere?

My PC:
PSU: Corsair GS600
i5 3570k (3,4GHz)
MoBo Gigabyte Z77-DS3H
8 GB Kingston
Maybe not 'dead', but sounds like it may not be capable of powering your setup - although there are other potential causes.

Disconnect your GPU, use your onboard graphics and leave only 1x RAM module - do things work as expected then?

PSU fans don't run 100% of the time. It'll turn to begin with, then will ramp up as necessary; so a PSU fan not spinning doesn't really narrow anything down.
It could be a dead psu but also power regulator problem with the motherboard.
The best way to test it out is with a known working psu.
If you don't have access to one,
do what Barty1884 recommends, try to boot with onboard gpu with only one stick of ram at the time.
If problem replicates, most likely psu / motherboard problems
I did as you suggested. HDMI into mobo gpu with one RAM stick (CPU power cable plugged).
Result is still the same. PC trying to boot several times, but nothing happens.

Addtionaly i checked voltage on CPU power cable. The voltage on start is normal, but seems to disappear after few sec to about 0.2-0.1V.
Voltage on ATX is in norm

I did the same whole thing once again, expect that instead of turning on pc with power button i used papper clip.
PSU is alive. I guess mobo is dead ;/ , because as soon as I removed clip, all power goes down.