So I'm not totally new to psus, but I am always confused by which brand is which. However in the past, I have been successful in running a HD 6670 with my Inspiron 580s 250w PSU(people say they underrate their psus). However with next-gen coming up, I'm prepping my Dell for another round. So here are my specs:
Core i3 530 at stock clocks(had them at 4.4GHz, but proved too unstable)
8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM
320GB HDD with 128GB Corsair Neutron SSD
HD 6670
So while roaming the interwebs, I stumbled upon this ( which is apparently a low-profile version of the GTX 650. So I was wondering whether I would be able to run this GPU in my Inspiron's 250w PSU; if at all it is underrated.
And plz don't look at the systems in my sig. Because of bad marks I'm banned from using them, and the're soon going to be sold off. 🙁
Core i3 530 at stock clocks(had them at 4.4GHz, but proved too unstable)
8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM
320GB HDD with 128GB Corsair Neutron SSD
HD 6670
So while roaming the interwebs, I stumbled upon this ( which is apparently a low-profile version of the GTX 650. So I was wondering whether I would be able to run this GPU in my Inspiron's 250w PSU; if at all it is underrated.
And plz don't look at the systems in my sig. Because of bad marks I'm banned from using them, and the're soon going to be sold off. 🙁