Is my PSU enough?


Sep 11, 2013
My current system:

Motherboard: GA-h61m-ds2
CPU: Intel Core i5-3330
GFX: Nvidia GTX 760
RAM: 8GB 1333mhz dual channel
PSU: Corsair VS Series VS550
HDDs: 2
Optical disk drive: 1
Periphereals connected to the Computer : 4
Case fans: 3

My upgraded system:

Motherboard: ASUS B85M-GAMER
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790
GFX: Nvidia GTX 760
RAM: 8GB DDR3 1600 MHz HyperX Fury Black CL10 single channel
PSU: Corsair VS Series VS550
HDDs: 2
Optical disk drive: 1
Periphereals connected to the Computer : 4
Case fans: 3

Will my PSU suffice the upgrades to the motherboard,ram and cpu?

The GTX 760 only require a 500W PSU that can deliver 30Amps on its +12V rail.

The VS550 can deliver 42Amps on its +12V rail, which is more than enough to power your...

The GTX 760 only require a 500W PSU that can deliver 30Amps on its +12V rail.

The VS550 can deliver 42Amps on its +12V rail, which is more than enough to power your upgraded rig.

Having said that you should consider the PSU upgrade as well if the VS550 is already couple of years old, possibility of performance decay that may happen over a period of time. Also the VS series PSUs comes with cheap capacitors. So its longevity questionable.

So if you're looking to upgrade the PSU as well, consider this quality one:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: Antec EarthWatts Platinum 550W 80+ Platinum Certified ATX Power Supply ($60.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $60.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-09 07:21 EDT-0400
