Is my PSU enough


Sep 30, 2016
Hello, New poster here.
I was wondering if anyone could help me here. Here is my system

I5 6600k
Asus z170-a MOBO
DDR4 8gb
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750Ti
500 GB samsung SSD
CX 430 PSU
DVD RW multi recorder

My problem is I cant seem to overclock successfully to voltages above 4.3 ghz. also I get some freezing while playing emulators and games ( I feel like I shouldn't be freezing)
I've been doing some reading and I started to think my PSU is not strong enough for my system? Anyone's input would be greatly appreciated. thank you
You fail to mention what kind of CPU cooler you are using. That is going to be important when overclocking as much as you are. The PSU could be improved, but I'm really curious about your CPU cooler too.
not an expert so my only input would be .....

toy around with this:

'430W PSU .... i don't overclock, but just to be sure (and cover the dicrepancies between actual wattage and what is written on the box) i bought 500W+ PSU(it's really not that much more expensive and thoes 10 bucks you save can cost you more performance wise).

You should be fine. CPU around 130w , mobo/ram/DVD/HDD another 100W , GPU lets say 100W (750Ti was rated at about 60-70W if i found the right stuff on the internet)more ... a grnad totale of 330W, well below 430W of your PSU ...

PS&Offtopic: I only played only a couple of games through emulator (from PS2 i think), both stuttering at times ... think it comes natural to emulating games?

212 Hyper evo