is my psu failing?


Jan 29, 2016
So I was playing GRID (the original one) on my pc whilst listening to a podcast on google chrome, I was getting roughly 44fps while playing, and my pc just shut off. I have put my pc under much higher load than this before. (Tomb raider on ultra, no tressfx, roughly 30fps) and its never shut off. The computer didn't say it was shutting down, all it did was just go black. This is the first time its happened and I want to fix this asap. after turning it on i turned on msi afterburner (i use it for temperature checking, I don't overclock) and temps were around 58 degrees C and the cpu was pretty close to the same. They weren't anything too irregular from my regular temps, especially after playing games. I should also mention that when i started the pc it took a little longer, and no errors were given from it. I am thinking its the psu failing because the equipment could be straining it. The blackout has only happened once and i just want to be on top of it. luckily if it is the power supply, i was in the process of buying another one already so i could use my 7970.
(there probably will be bottle necking, but whatever im slowly building a new pc)
I would like to mention that i am pretty good with computers, but i have never had a power supply fail on me. so I don't 100% know what to do.
My specs
AMD Athlon II x4 630 @ 2.8ghz
xfx radeon 4850 1gb
350gb 7200rpm hard drive
4gb ddr2 6400 (dual channel)
250w power supply (this machine was upgraded from an hp a4313w)
the original specs for the pc were this

Sudden power offs are common for a failing PSU. Be aware it can damage components if it fails in a big way so replace asap. Reply with the new PSU brand/model you intend to buy so its quality and reliability can be evaluated before you purchase it.
Sudden power offs are common for a failing PSU. Be aware it can damage components if it fails in a big way so replace asap. Reply with the new PSU brand/model you intend to buy so its quality and reliability can be evaluated before you purchase it.

Thanks for the help, i was planning on going with the evga 600b on amazon, I know evga for their graphics cards and i think they will be good for power supplies
So, after buying the new psu and using it for a while, I found that it wasn't the psu at all, The cpu was shutting down from overheating, I replaced the heatsink and have had no issues since. I found this because it shut off during a session of bf3. I was using a heatsink for an amd sempron le-2150. I pulled a heatsink from an older pc from an athlon 64 x2 and it runs like a dream now, I havent exceeded 56 degrees since.

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