Is my psu good enough for r9 270?


Jun 26, 2013
Hello, soon i will buy a brand new r9 270 *-*, can't wait for it. And i want to make sure that my psu is good enough to handle it. I'm not so good at computers so i would like if you guys help me. this is my psu.

Other components :
i3 2100 cpu
1 TB blue caviar
4 gb of corsair ram
a dvd drive
Never heard of that brand, but your PSU has 40A on the combined 12V rails so you should be fine! That would probably power up to a R9 290 without issues. Happy gaming :) I would recommend you upgrade to 8GB of RAM you might see a small bottleneck with the R9 270 :) I think the i3 CPU is fine though.
Never heard of that brand, but your PSU has 40A on the combined 12V rails so you should be fine! That would probably power up to a R9 290 without issues. Happy gaming :) I would recommend you upgrade to 8GB of RAM you might see a small bottleneck with the R9 270 :) I think the i3 CPU is fine though.