Is my Ryzen CPU defective ?


Feb 26, 2017
I have a problem with games. My AMD built PC (RX480 GPU & Ryzen 5 1600) is crashing at GTA IV, Metro Last Light, Metro 2033, Crysis1, Crysis Warhead, Dirt3: Complete Edition...

The interesting thing is, when PC freezed/ crashed, RGB LEDs of my graphics card is lighting red to white colours. It shows an error i think.
But also Ez debug led (CPU) of motherboard is indicating. (According to manual, it shows CPU faulty or no CPU found.)

Here is my topic about my GPU :
I tried different methods but couldn't solve the problem unfortunately.
So i don't know if my CPU or GPU or both are defective...
NOTE: CPU didn't overclocked. Stock speeds...
Today i tested my CPU with these methods:

AIDA64 stress test, 30 minutes --> NO CRASH.
I run Cinebench R15 for 10 times with this method: When rendering ends i run it again immediately before the CPU gets cold. --> NO CRASH.
I converted 885 mp3 files in 15 minutes to 320 kbps and again NO PROBLEM.
I run OCCT stress test with default settings for 1 hour --> NO ERROR.
I run HWinfo at last 30 minutes of OCCT test. --> 0 WHEA error.
I rendered 1.5 Gigabytes video. I set highest bitrate etc. and the coding is H265 HEVC. It took 3 hours and 15 minutes. File size of the result video is 6 gigabytes. --> NO PROBLEM/ NO CRASHING. Utilization is nearly %100 for all 12 threads.
I can surf on the web, watch Youtube videos etc. and didn't see BSOD.

So, my stock speed CPU is stable/ non-defective ?
Crashing, freezing, BSOD, etc, are indicators of software or hardware error. The symptoms of running games beyond the capabilities of hardware is poor performance, such as low frame rate or throttling from excessive heat. While you may be able to temporarily Band-Aid a situation like this by turning down settings, that's not a solution.

Thanks for the input - Mr Microsoft. I asked him that question because his own testing where he wasn't experiencing any problems only with some of those games.
First solution is to ensure you have the latest bios update for your motherboard. Secondly, get the latest suite of drivers from AMD for that video card. I have seen more than my share of people who have had problems with new builds only to find out their hardware is defective. In spite of that, you stated everything is at stock specs and no attempts at overclock. No way would your CPU and GPU both be defective. Have you installed any recent windows updates? Some of these have been known to bring all sorts of system problems on Windows 10.

Dirt3 isn't too much for this setup but it crashes...
Also i think high settings shouldn't be a problem.

I already run them. 11 passes, 10 hours --> Zero error (memtest86)
Windows Memory Diag. --> 8 passes, cache enabled, all tests are selected, it took some hours --> zero error.
BIOS is up to date.

Here is my topic for my video card:
Didn't find a solution unfortunately.

I'm having this problem with any kind of Windows 10. (before and after Creator's update. It doesn't affected the situation.)

I saw lots of video on Youtube. People having similar issues with games and RMA their VGA card. Then the problem is solved. I want to try the same way but the CPU fault light is indicating also and i worry about it. But i tested it as I said above. PC only crashed with games. Not other CPU intensive tasks actually...

What are your system specs to start with, RAM, which motherboard, we already know which CPU and GFX card.

Here is my full system specs:
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPU
Asus Strix RX480 O8G graphics card.
WD Blue WD10EZEX HDD (There is no SSD)
Seasonic S12ii 620W PSU
Crucial CT8G4DFS8213.C8FBD DDR4 2133 MHZ dual channel 2x8 GB = 16 GB RAM
Windows 10 Home 64 bit (up to date)

First thing is first, is your bios upto date ? this is always advised as RyZen is still very new and problems are being fixed all the time at the moment.

Yes, my BIOS up to date.

You did a fresh clean install of Windows after putting your new system together, and of course my next question to you would be about drivers, have you installed motherboard drivers, graphics drivers etc ?

I installed all drivers. I tried lots of GPU drivers from Radeon Crimson 16.11.5 to 17.5.2 but no solution.

Did you actually do a fresh installation of Windows when you built your new system ? your old version of Windows will have all the old configuration data on it, old motherboard drivers etc from your previous build, this will cause serious conflicts and could easily result in issues you're experiencing.

This is my new built. Each part is brand new. I'm using Windows 10 for 1 month. I used Win XP with my old PC before. :)

GPU can pass 3Dmark standard free version and Steam VR test without crashing.
I didn't tried Furmark, OCCT etc. with it.
Scan your hard drive for smart, long generic, and self test. Data lifeguard may have bundled last 2 tests into one so do a long test.
Try a different sata cable and change sata ports on the motherboard.

Reseat your video card by pulling out of the PCIE slot and put it back in. Check all PSU connections unplugging and replugging them to make sure they have good connections.

Reset your bios by unplugging from the wall and pulling the motherboard battery for 5 minutes.

I already scanned my HDD for bad sectors. WD life guard and HD Tune Pro didn't found bad sectors. (I ran them with detail scan mode. They took 2-3 hours...)
Also ran windows chkdsk and sfc/ scannow. --> no problems...
I reset the BIOS before but with reset option, not pulling the battery. Any difference between them?

Reseating didn't work unfortunately. I already done that. Even with secondary PCI-E slot with different 8 pin cable and different HDMI port. :)