Is my SSD bad?

Demon of Elru

Nov 20, 2015
I purchased a Mushkin 1tb SSD 2 weeks ago. Everything seemed to be running fine until i got windows 10 error 0xc000000e. I went into the bios and sata port 0 shows nothing. The other 2 HDDs are present. If i put in the recovery cd and run startup repair it tells me it could not fix the problem. When I reboot the ssd boots up and everything seems to run ok though i am not sure. I have reinstalled Windows 10, reformatted my old hard drive (now used as a storage drive) and still the error persists. I am thinking my SSD is bad and needs replacement but I would like some opinions before I go through neweggs RMA process.
sounds like a bad drive. these things, if they're going to fail tend to fail "early" in their life.

As a sidenote, SSD failure rate is directly tied to bad power supplies, or inconsistent power delivery. The best way to insure your SSD purchase in the future survives is to make sure you have a good/new power supply ideally something from tier 1 or 2 from this list , and that you have a UPS on your line.

If you have both of those, your SSDs (baring a faulty one from the factory) should survive far longer then you'll live.
I had a thought about the PSU but its just a coincidence this happened 2 weeks after the ssd was installed. I guess it won't hurt to RMA since it wont cost anything. Is this a common occurence with ssd's?

not really, they fail about at the same rate as hard drives, and typically if they're going to fail it happens early (where as hard drives tend to fail at higher rates as they get older, you don't really see that with ssds, most of their failure happens quick.

If you have good power delivery a SSD will probably outlive you, unless you have a corporate mainframe handling thousands of writes a minute. Generally if you take power reliability out of the equation these things probably will last 50+ years of "normal" use.
Ok I did a full restore with windows 10 image restore. Everything restored fine drive loaded up....then the blue screen happened again error 0xc000000e, also ssd not detected in BIOS but other 2 sotrage HDDs are. I believe the likely cause is a failing SSD since the srive is randomly not being read in the BIOS. Otyer times it loads but this still leads me to believe the drive is faulty. Going to RMA. I live in NJ so would i be able to drop off the rma drive and pick up a replacement at the same time?

if you got it at a physical store and have a receipt, sure.
Yes I picked it up at neweggs will call center when I originally bought it.

I flased my bios to f12l on my gigabyte assassin2 boatd still no help. Now also says disk error in addition to the blue screen. I am 90% sure this is an SSD hardware problem. Will update when I get my replacement.