Is my ssd broken?


Oct 27, 2018
So.... Ordered a ssd and mobo cause i had a320 with a r7, ssd arrived first, so i installed windows on it it had issues bringing up a 0xc00000e error alot and stuff but finally got it to work got windows on it and didnt install mobo drivers cause i had the one coming. so now i have the new one in and i installed all amd drivers it said auto detecting hardware so i thought it wouldnt install radeon drivers but it did. maybe a hour later with a overclock i launched cenibench r15 pressed run instantly froze waited a few seconds and restarted it to a reboot or select proper boot drive. bios recognized it and it still had like 30gbs missing so i just reinstalled windows with the old files and its "working" is this a broken ssd? i also changed the sata ports.
Yeah i also forgot to mention i downloaded the wrong utillity firstwhich was overdrive and not ryzen master and i had to launch safe mode and delete it then uninstall it.


No and i oc'd again and it crashed again, but didnt delete the os this time so it must of done something on the restart. I think i may of just had a bunch of broken drivers and windows shot itself...
If I'm reading this installed the OS on the drive, and then moved it in with the new motherboard?
Is this correct?

If need to start over.
Do a full wipe and reinstall on the SSD, when it is in the system where it will live.
Do this with only the one drive connected.
Delete ALL partitions on the drive while you do this install.

Then, drivers.

Leave off any thoughts of OC until after it is actually working.

ok 🙁 im 90 percent sure i wont regret this but it just sucks

Do it right, or live with it not working.

How to do a CLEAN installation of Windows 10