Is my system alright in the future for video games?


Dec 3, 2013
Hey Guys, I've been looking around the internet and trying different sites which see your system requirements and compare/analyse them to a game to see if you will be able to run it and I am not truly sure how accurate they are so I'm going to ask you guys instead.

I want to know if my computer will be able to run games coming out (or) that have come out this year as I am afraid my system is too weak to run them (on high/ultra settings)
My system: Intel i5 4570 3.2GHz
Gainward Geoforce GTX 760
8gb of ram

Those are the main specifications of my system in terms of running a game. Examples of games that i would like to run are: Witcher 3, Dying Light, GTA 5 ect. Keep in mind whilst my system can run them I want to know if my system can run them to high setting or above.
I would say, you should be able to run many games on medium - high settings @ 1080P. You are good for about another year until you will want to upgrade.

Alright that is a relief, what about the settings that i could run the Witcher 3, GTA 5 or dying light at? Will i be able to run high possibly?
Dying Light is poorly optimized so you can probably run it on decent settings just keep the View Distance low (it really kills your card's performance).

GTA V (judging by the requirements) you should be able to run it pretty well.

Witcher 3 you'll probably have to run on medium - highish settings or so.

I can (kinda) confirm what Vici0us said. If I may add a personal opinion, a year or something along those lines on medium-high settings, probably 2 if you start reducing graphical quality or 3+ if you go down to 720p too.
Unless massive changes pop up (besides DX12, although I do not know if the 760 will be compatible with it while I believe it won't ), you're pretty much covered on the CPU side for 2 to 3 years too, if not likely more. You're fine RAM wise too.

About performance on the games you mentioned, I've got nothing to add. Completely agree with him.