some one borrowed my usb and the put it through the was (last time they get anything) its rusted but it works, so what im asking is will it cause any issues(and what they are) and how can safely remove rust, thank you.
I'd used some contact cleaner and get the rust off, it doesn't damage electronics. I'd be more worried about any malware and stuff on it than the rust causing an issue
I'd used some contact cleaner and get the rust off, it doesn't damage electronics. I'd be more worried about any malware and stuff on it than the rust causing an issue
I'd used some contact cleaner and get the rust off, it doesn't damage electronics. I'd be more worried about any malware and stuff on it than the rust causing an issue
thank you so much, and would the rust cause files not to transfer properly and get corrupted?
As long as you clean the contacts properly I don't see any issue - It's probably a : Either it transfers or it doesn't-situation. Use a q-tip or someting soft to get the rust off them
As long as you clean the contacts properly I don't see any issue - It's probably a : Either it transfers or it doesn't-situation. Use a q-tip or someting soft to get the rust off them