Is Newegg losing its edge?


I'm currently working on upgrading my rig and I've setup a spreadsheet comparing products, pricing, shipping charges, tax, and availabilty at Newegg, Zipzoomfly, and Monarch Computers.

The first two charge CA tax, the last one doesn't so it has a huge advantage.

Newegg now charges tax and shipping on nearly everything. The only products it seems to be competitive with is the ones that nobody else caries or a few select items. Their selection is still excellent.

I've been buying everything from them for years, but it's looking like I won't be purchasing anything from them this time since it would end up costing me at least $200 more. That's almost 20% with my rough estimates. I'll do something more exact when I know exactly what I'm buying.

</font color=red><i><font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=blue>BLESS </font color=blue><font color=red>AMERICA

Dude, Mr Addict, seriously stop smoking that weed. Sales tax. Newegg is located in CA.

</font color=red><i><font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=blue>BLESS </font color=blue><font color=red>AMERICA
Newegg does end up costing a bit more than other places once shipping and tax is applied but I think it is worth it because of the service. I ALWAYS get my package on the second buisness day and I do the super saver every time. And thier RMA system is extremely good if something breaks.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My precious...</A>
Usually that would be the case, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get the price difference below a 16% difference.

The ONLY item I have on my list there that doesn't have a shipping charge is the CPU.

</font color=red><i><font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=blue>BLESS </font color=blue><font color=red>AMERICA
Hm... That is strange. Hold out for valentines day, I'm sure they will have some decent sales then.

<A HREF="" target="_new">My precious...</A>
I ended up splitting my order between Newegg and Monarch Computer due to Newegg's larger selection.

Those items that I bought at Monarch saved me 10%. There was a sharp drop in Newegg's prices and they offered free shipping again right after I posted this.

</font color=red><i><font color=red>GOD</font color=red> <font color=blue>BLESS </font color=blue><font color=red>AMERICA
LOL, the romance comment came from someone named masturdebat3rr.

FACT: Translated from leet speak, that actually means 'masturdebater.' Learning is fun!

Women--can't live with them, can't have heterosexual same-species intercourse without them.