ASUS = "Better"? That kinda depends on your definition and your requirements (ie. it's subjective)...
PCI Slots: MSI has
3, ASUS has 2
Audio: MSI has
8 channels, ASUS has 6
LAN: MSI - Realtek RTL8211BL, ASUS - Marvell 88E1116 (~shrug~)
optical + coaxial, ASUS - coaxial only
Cooling: MSI -
heat-pipe across NB, SB and PWM + NB fan... ASUS - heatsink on NB only.
Caps: MSI -
100% solid, ASUS - not so.
Cost: MSI - ~$165, ASUS -
~$130 the MSI Platinum clearly out-classes the ASUS feature-wise, but it costs a bit more, so maybe that's not a fair comparison. The "value" MSI SLI-FI is more in it's class...
PCI Slots: MSI has
3, ASUS has 2
Audio: MSI has
8 channels, ASUS has 6
LAN: MSI - Realtek RTL8211BL, ASUS - Marvell 88E1116 (~shrug~)
S/PDIF: MSI - optical only, ASUS - coaxial only
Cooling: MSI - heatsinks on NB
and SB... ASUS - heatsink on NB only.
Caps: tie.
Cost: MSI -
~$113, ASUS - ~$130
...hmm, looks like the "value" MSI board still has more features - and is ~$20 less expensive to boot
As for over-clocking, if you look on the Taiwan forums, they've been doing 500+ oc's on the MSI board too. Let's just say that I've heard that told from both ends of the spectrum, including from new MSI board owners who rma'd thier ASUS board because it "didn't over-clock worth a damn" (or didn't work with thier memory, or was DOA or whatever).
Obviously different people, with different skill levels will have varrying experiences with pretty much any board you care to name. It could be that the ASUS board is easier to oc for some folks than others, but the oposite may be true as well.
As for the Gigabyte board... as far as I know, noone's seen it. Why would vapor hardware make a good choice for such an article? :roll: (I'd love to see a review/preview of the GA board, but it's not available yet).
I don't claim that the MSI boards are without problems (various people have had various memory problems), but you'll find similar posts about any board on the market.
Of course I'm biased (as anyone else here)... I bought the Platinum board (my first from MSI) - it suited my needs and has been running solid. ~ shrug ~.