Question "is not a valid integer value" error ?


May 11, 2008
I use a software called Saturn PCB Toolkit. It's an advanced free tool for calculating the properties of copper tracks on a PCB design.

I wanted to see if it could be used as a portable app by installing it, copying out the installed folder and then uninstalling it. It works except that, when I start the program, an error message pops up saying " is not a valid integer value (the quotation mark is a part of the message). One mouse click removes the pop-up for the rest of the session.

It's a very minor inconvenience and does not interfere with using the program but I'm curious. I understand what the words mean and " is certainly not an integer. Is there a chance of eliminating it without too much hassle by a non-programmer like me?


I wanted to see if it could be used as a portable app by installing it, copying out the installed folder and then uninstalling it.

Why couldn't you install it on the portable device? Rather than copy/paste the program and it's files?

Btw, this copy/paste of program files means that program may have issues, since no registry entry is created. And many programs need registry entry in OS, for them to work properly.


May 11, 2008
By 'portable' I don't really mean just using it on a portable device, although that possibility is also welcome. Perhaps I should say 'standalone'.
Some utilities come with installers but don't use any system files. All they do is create shortcuts in the Start Menu and on the Desktop. I often use such programs as portable or standalone tools.

BTW I know about portable app creators but these usually require pre- and post-installation scans which can take a long time.


May 11, 2008
Nothing is stopping me from installing the software. I've been using it that way for the past few years. Maybe you'll understand my point if you think of my question as an academic one. I did say in my first post "It's a very minor inconvenience.......but I'm curious"

And I can use it as a standalone - except for that tiny glitch when I start up the program. I'm just wondering if there's a way to get rid of that.


I'm just wondering if there's a way to get rid of that.

Well, one option is to do proper intall, which writes it in the registry. This is the best option to see if the minor issue goes away.

And if it doesn't, it's easy to uninstall the program afterwards, to get rid of registry entry. And even when registry entry still remains, you can manually edit the registry and remove the entry (e.g with CCleaner). Though, be very careful when manually messing around in registry, since it can corrupt your OS if you stumble in there.

2nd option is to contact software developer and ask them why this issue appears. Perhaps it's something to do with the hardware where you want to run on it (e.g optimization issue between software and your device where it resides).

Other than these two, not much else can be done to fix this issue.

Maybe you'll understand my point if you think of my question as an academic one. I did say in my first post "It's a very minor inconvenience.......but I'm curious"

I did get why you asked it. I've also discussed some strange instances with my PC, both on software and hardware level, to which i more like to know "why" or "how", rather than getting a "fix" or "solution". :)
Only the creator of the software have the means of knowing what the software are looking for during start - and when not found, it doesn't handle the error in a proper manner - i.e. the programmer hasn't intended the software to be just unpacked instead of installed properly.

There is a workaround if using Windows - write a Autohotkey script that wait for the popup window to appear and dismiss it immediately.