Is nvidia g sync all that necessary?


Jun 8, 2018
I'm looking at buying a new monitor (144 mhz and 1440p) but can't find one within my budget with nvidia g sync. Do I really need it for gaming or will the 144mhz be enough of a Improvement over my 1080p 60 mhz.

I'm using a nvidia1060 6gb (will look next year to upgrade to a 2070), i7 8700k and 16gb ram.
"Do I really need it for gaming?"
No. Lots of people, including myself don't use GSync.
Essentially it is supposed to minimize screen tearing by matching the frame rate of the display to the GPU....and I imagine it does a good job at this.
the thing is....I don't usually get screen tearing. Maybe it's because I normally use VSYNC....I'm not sure.