Is oculus VR risky since HTC is working with Steam?

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Apr 19, 2016
as title stated i want to get the Oculus i will only have room for a desk set up and decided on the Rift vs HTC but with HTC working with steam is this a bed decision?

thanks for the input
I can't help you here. What you are asking is "electrical component compability" with electronics going from one region to another.
Pretty sure you can google research that taking account your regions electrical infrastructure.

As people take laptops around the world without frying them, I'm gonna guess you will be OK, but if you google the experiences of other users in your country, they will be able to give you an accurate analysis.

Also, check the Steam messageboards. Another good area for info.
so should i reconsider i think i want to get the Oculus but knowing what steam is and that the games developers will develop for what makes more cash. i want to go with oculus as its more of a sit in front of a PC VR that is more comfortable. plus i cant set up the two sensors as they should be in my current set up.

Well they can do the same thing except one has more people supporting it. And I personally think the htc is more conferrable
It wont get VR support any time soon because of the need for performance.

Knowing how thats a eta I will give it 2 years if not more because its a tripple a title and when you have a game like that take a lot to do VR. You have to render out 3 camera angles if it has a scope in the game like this. And you also have to keep above 90 fps.
So, here is my 2 cents on the Steam + HTC.

First off, Steam does not care if you purchase the HTC Vive or the rift. Their business is not hardware, but selling games. If you check Steam out under the VR Game selection, you can pick what tech you have, and it will show your the compatible games. Steam would like a single standard, and all the games to support everything. They make their $$$ by taking a cut when each game is sold.

So, why VR? I believe they went to support VR because their competition is consoles. Right now Steam can offer an experience that Nintendo, Playstation, and Sony cannot. Because of that, console people will start re-considering the PC lifestyle. What is that? Steam ready PC's out of the box with controllers? WHA?!

Now... which is better? Oculus or HTC Vive?
Please note, I owned an Oculus Rift DK2 and I loved it, so it saddens me that Oculus sorta dropped the ball to HTC.

So, which is better? HTC Vive, and here is why...

With the announcements and price of the Oculus Controllers, the price of the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift are equal. EXCEPT that you need to purchase an additional camera to get room-scape with the Oculus. (see news on Toms Hardware page.)

Then you take that Oculus is trying to be a little proprietary with their games, where Steam has a giant sign that says, "Everybody Welcome", and I can't with good conscious advise anybody to the rift. I just haven't heard what the Rift provides that the vive does not. (aside from build in headphones, which I don't find compelling.)

So yeah... make your decision.
I own a HTC Vive, and I still use it about twice a week or more. (Rec room is pretty fun.) :)

Thank you for all the information

sooo.... the base stations and head seat has AC power supply that is NA plug not sure of the current or what more i need to change. I'm gassing this is AC to DC and i can change that over easily??

any help would be great!!
I can't help you here. What you are asking is "electrical component compability" with electronics going from one region to another.
Pretty sure you can google research that taking account your regions electrical infrastructure.

As people take laptops around the world without frying them, I'm gonna guess you will be OK, but if you google the experiences of other users in your country, they will be able to give you an accurate analysis.

Also, check the Steam messageboards. Another good area for info.

thanks !!!

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