Is overclocking GTX 1070 TI worth? (Asus Strix)


Jun 12, 2018
I'm a guy who wants more FPS because of the 144hz monitor, will OC the GTX 1070 TI will be effective? I don't have water cooling, will it be safe? won't it burn/break/etc..?
Should I worry about warranty? I mean, I know it'll be gone, but how will they know if I Overclocked the card...
GTX 1070 TI Asus Strix
Power target? I think you mean power limit beyond 100%. I would increase power limit to the max software will allow with pascel, you wont hurt anything it may allow to sustain slightly higher clocks.

You would have to try hard to kill a pascel card with an OC, like with a shunt mod or some other invasive hardware mod that will allow the card to pull more voltage. Pascel cards are so locked down they wont let you kill them with an OC.
Yeah go for it. You wont hurt the card, these pascel cards are pretty much voltage locked. So overclocking it to the edge of stability wont really increase heat that much. Excessive voltage and heat is what kills electronics not overclocking. The strix model also has an excellent cooler and overbuilt VRM, that card will handle an overclock with stride. In fact if you did not plan to overclock I would say you wasted money going for a high end 1070 ti like the strix.

I don't think overcloking even voids the warranty of ASUS ROG products, I mean they advertise their products ability to handle an overclock. And no I don't believe there is any way for them to tell you OC'd the card.
As long as you don't go crazy with your power target or frequency it's usually safe and you might be able to reach 1080 like performance. Strix cards are among the best cards to overclock because good quality components and beefy coolers. Just research some forums to see what other people are getting with 1070 ti models
Power target? I think you mean power limit beyond 100%. I would increase power limit to the max software will allow with pascel, you wont hurt anything it may allow to sustain slightly higher clocks.

You would have to try hard to kill a pascel card with an OC, like with a shunt mod or some other invasive hardware mod that will allow the card to pull more voltage. Pascel cards are so locked down they wont let you kill them with an OC.